Thursday, October 8, 2009

Daddy's home! How was your day?

I've learned over about 8 years of marriage that this phrase means very different things to men and women. Or at least to Chris and me. The conversation generally goes something like this:

Chris: Daddy's home! How was your day?
Kevin: Fine.
Chris: What happened?
Kevin: Nothing.
Chris: Nothing happened?
Kevin: We went to lunch and I sent some email and talked to Rich.
Chris: Well, what about Pete, Jeremy, Robert and Dan?
Kevin: They're good.
Chris: Did you talk to them?
Kevin: Yes.
Chris: What did you talk about?
Kevin: Nothing much.
Chris: Did you talk to Pete?
Kevin: Yes.

.... and on and on... until later...

Kevin (on phone): Hey Dan, how are you?
Dan: Good.
Kevin: So I can't believe you got a bonus check today for being awesome!
Chris: What? Dan got a bonus check?
Kevin: Yes, he got it today for being awesome.
Chris: Well why didn't you TELL me that? That's important!

So my point is that when Chris asks me about my day, I give her the answer. Short, overall, in a neat little package. "Fine." So she probes and probes. And it turns out she wants details! This happens all the time, yet I've never been able to get it through my thick head. Sometimes I even think I'm giving details, but I'm not.

Am I alone, or is this a guy thing?


  1. Mari and I have an identical conversation every time I get off the phone with you.

    I can't have that conversation about my work, because I really do the exact same thing every day. Sometimes I try to make it sound interesting, though.

    "You wouldn't believe what happened! I had this application for a semiconductor and it had 50 drawings! Can you believe it? I was working all day trying to figure out if the solder balls were under the first layer or over the first layer. Can you believe it?"

    Mari quickly changes the subject.

  2. Sounds about right. And I give David EVERY detail. He used to so look forward to the "diaper report," which details how many poopy diapers I had dealt with in the course of my day.

  3. If I ever saw Chris, I'd ask him how his day was - then I'd fall asleep. With four kids 5 and younger, he doesn't even ask how my day was. Please pass the prozac.

    On a similar note (and b/c you have a daughter you can use this too) when Hadley was small she would ask why daddy always had to go to work and I told him it was so he could make money to buy her barrettes. She is totally scarred from this.

  4. Raena, if your trying to make me sad you succeeded. And I can pass the prozac. I'll be in Cali in May and will bring you a bottle.

  5. hi,
    I knew chris way back when. She was my visiting teacher before you moved. Now you guys are back and I would just like to say...It is totally a guy thing. David does the same thing. In fact exactly to the word with the bonus check day. But then he told me since it was our anniversary he wanted to wait and tell me over dinner. Boy he covered his bum with that remark!

  6. By the way...I TOTALY understand are NOT alone. :)
