Tuesday, March 31, 2009

You Gotta Do The Best You Can

Chris and I have a nightly ritual where we sit on the couch and use our laptops. I was looking at something about the pattern for their lives members of our church (LDS) are supposed to learn from the temple. We got to discussing the concept of what it means when people tell us "you don't have to be perfect, you just have to do the best you can and Christ will make up the rest."

What? Tonight, not for the first time, but stronger than ever, this idea struck me as ridiculous. I think the best people can honestly say if they want to believe that lots of people will get to heaven is "give life an honest effort, and Christ will make up the rest."

"Ridiculous, Kevin!" I hear many of you saying. Let me explain. My thoughts on this are really not too complicated.

I never do the best I can any day. Even the days where I decide to make a better effort. I mean NEVER. There's always something at the end of the day that if I had really been trying my best I wouldn't have done, or done differently. For instance, today I was sarcastic when talking to Chris about something in the car, even though I've resolved to try to get rid of my sarcastic humor. And honesty compels me to admit that I'll slip up on it again given my track record, unless I get hit by a bus before I get the chance. If I were really doing my best and were on guard all the time, I could do it.

People just don't perform at their best though.

Here is some Homestar humor about doing your best. Be inspired. http://www.homestarrunner.com/puppets.html


  1. You're right, Kevin. Nobody really tries their best on everything. I might try my best at any one moment, but in the next moment I'm usually slacking off. But try we must!

  2. Snap out of it! Have a little faith! Don't make me come up there:)!
